Major comorbidities lead to the risk of adverse cardiovascular events in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients using inhaled long-acting bronchodilators: A case-control study
BMC Pulmonary Medicine Dec 10, 2019
Chen YF, et al. - Researchers performed this case-control study between January 2015 and December 2017, to determine the risk of adverse events related to the use of inhaled bronchodilators in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with multimorbidity. They enrolled patients taking inhaled long-acting bronchodilators for spirometry-verified COPD (N = 1,565). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) (53.6%) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) (25.8%) emerged as the most common comorbidities. Irrespective of the type of bronchodilators use, independent risk factors for cardiovascular events were CVD and history of frequent exacerbations. A higher risk of adverse cardiovascular effects was observed in COPD patients with both CKD and CVD vs those with neither comorbidity. Overall, the higher risk of cardiovascular events observed in COPD patients was found to be related to their CVD and/or CKD comorbidities and history of frequent exacerbations, rather than their use of inhaled bronchodilators.
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