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Major and minor complications after resection without bowel resection for deeply infiltrating endometriosis

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Sep 11, 2018

Lermann J, et al. - Researchers analyzed patients who had undergone resection for deeply infiltrating endometriosis without anterior rectal resection (n=134) between 2001 and 2011 to assess the major and minor complications after the surgery, including long-term impairment of intestinal, bladder, and sexual function. Major complications and minor complications were encountered in 3.7% and 12.7% of the patients, respectively, which was consistent with or lower than the literature data. Five cases required surgical revision. In this work, 26.4% of the patients reported weak urinary flow, 16.1% reported a feeling of residual urine, 13.5% suffered constipation, 16.9% had more than one bowel movement/day, and 30.3% had insufficient lubrication during intercourse. Subgroup analysis revealed no statistical links between questionnaire responses and dyspareunia or dysmenorrhea as reasons for surgery or previous endometriosis surgery in the patient’s history.

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