Maintenance low dose systemic glucocorticoids have limited impact on bone strength and mineral density among incident renal allograft recipients: A pilot prospective cohort study
Bone Aug 29, 2018
Pérez-Sáez MJ, et al. - Researchers sought to study bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular bone score (TBS) and bone material strength index (BMSi) in the first year following kidney transplant (KT), in patients not treated with any bone therapy. There were small BMD decreases at femoral neck (at 3 months) and lumbar spine (at 12 months) in KT patients on low-dose glucocorticoids and no bone therapy, but findings did not suggest any change in either TBS or BMSi. Limited impact on bone was demonstrated by the low-dose post-KT glucocorticoid treatment, thereby, supporting steroid-restrictive protocols.
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