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Macular atrophy in the HARBOR study for neovascular age-related macular degeneration

Ophthalmology Feb 26, 2018

Sadda SVR, et al. - The presence of macular atrophy (MA) was analyzed for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in the 24-month HARBOR study. After 24 months of treatment, new MA was detected in 29% of the eyes. With MA present over 24 months, clinically significant best-corrected visual acuity (BCNA) gains were achieved. Researchers found baseline subretinal fluid absence, intraretinal cyst presence, and fellow eye atrophy presence to be related to the month 24 MA presence. Over 24 months in HARBOR, the benefits of ranibizumab for neovascular AMD outweighed the risk of MA development.
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