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Lyophilized autologous serum eyedrops: Experimental and comparative study

American Journal of Ophthalmology Feb 10, 2020

López-García JS, et al. - Researchers carried out a comparative study with serum obtained from 12 healthy volunteers to analyze the biological stability of autologous serum eyedrops after lyophilization. In addition, the pH, osmolarity and serum density were determined. According to this prospective, comparative experimental study, no significant differences were found in the concentration of growth factors between fresh serum and redissolved serum samples after lyophilization. No variations related to osmolarity, pH, and density between fresh and lyophilized serum were found. Furthermore, no variations were observed on the conjunctival and corneal cells proliferation and differentiation in cell cultures between both serum preparations. After lyophilization, the autologous serum's properties remain. The lyophilized serum can be easily stored for standard clinical use without temperature limitations and easily reconstituted for eyedrops preparation.
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