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Lower body mass index and higher height are correlated with increased varicocele risk

Andrologia Sep 09, 2019

Song Y, et al. - Researchers intended to assess the anthropometric indexes in individuals with varicocele in comparison with controls and the incidence of varicocele in various BMI groups for the objective of investigating the correlation between varicocele and anthropometric indexes. A total of 13 articles containing seven case-control studies and six cross-sectional studies with 1,385,630 individuals were included. Pooled results showed that particularly in grade 3 varicocele patients, varicocele patients had a lower BMI and a greater height than non-varicocele individuals. A greater risk of varicocele in normal BMI individuals vs obese or overweight individuals and lower risk than underweight individuals was noted. In conclusion, this study symbolizes a lower BMI and a higher height in varicocele patients than non-varicocele individuals. Furthermore, compared with normal-weight or underweight people, men with excess body weight have a lower incidence of varicocele. That is, high BMI and adiposity protect against varicocele and high BMI is correlated with a reduced risk of varicocele.
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