Low risk of venous thromboembolism following early pregnancy loss in pregnancies conceived by IVF
Human Reproduction Sep 23, 2018
Hansen AT, et al. – Investigators examined the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the 12 weeks following early pregnancy loss in pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF). They collected data from the Danish IVF Register between 1995 and 2005, and analyzed 24,931 cases of IVF treatments leading to pregnancy among 19,260 women. Women who underwent frozen embryo replacement or oocyte donation were not included. The investigators followed women for 12 weeks after post-pregnancy termination to calculate the absolute risk of VTE during follow-up with 95% CI. Findings indicated only a low absolute VTE risk in the 12 weeks following early pregnancy loss in IVF pregnancies, suggesting that prophylactic anticoagulant therapy may not be necessary for women who have experienced early IVF pregnancy loss without other risk factors.
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