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Low HIV testing rates among US women who report anal sex and other HIV sexual risk behaviors, 2011–2015

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Aug 27, 2018

Evans ME, et al. - Experts evaluated the HIV testing rates among women who reported anal sex. Overall, among women with sexual behaviors that increase their risk of acquiring HIV, HIV testing rates were low within the past year and these rates were especially low among those who reported anal sex. Effective health services that protect women’s health and well-being were early detection and treatment of HIV, and HIV prevention with PrEP, but effective health services can only be offered based on HIV testing results. A unique poise was seen in women’s health care providers regarding the assessment of risk for acquiring HIV, including taking a sexual history that asks about anal sex and performing HIV testing to identify women who need HIV treatment or might benefit from PrEP.


  • Authors evaluated the data from the 2011-2015 National Survey of Family Growth to estimate the proportion of sexually active, nonpregnant U.S. women aged 15-44 years who had an HIV test within the past year, stratified by those who reported anal sex and other risk factors, including ≥2 sexual partners, condomless sex with a new partner or multiple partners, gonorrhea in the past year, or any history of syphilis.


  • As per data, overall, 7.9 million (18.7%) of 42.4 million sexually active, nonpregnant U.S. women reported an HIV test within the past year.
  • Findings suggested that 9.0 million (20.1%) among 42.4 million sexually active women, reported they had anal sex in the past year.
  • Out of these 9.0 million women, 19.2% reported that their providers asked about their type of intercourse and 20.1% reported an HIV test within the past year.
  • Overall, compared to the women whose provider did not ask about type of sex, HIV testing was higher among women who reported anal sex and reported that their providers asked about type of sex (37.8% vs. 15.9%; p-value<0.001).
  • In the past year, HIV testing was higher for women with other risk behaviors compared to anal sex, ranging from 35.8% to 47.2%.

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