Low back pain in persons with lower extremity amputation: A systematic review of the literature
The Spine Journal Aug 30, 2018
Highsmith MJ, et al. - Researchers systematically reviewed the literature to ascertain the strength of evidence relating the presence and severity of low back pain (LBP) secondary to lower extremity amputation (LEA), thereby supporting the formulation of empirical evidence statements (EESs) to guide practice and future research. Evidence at the moderate confidence level given support by eight moderate quality studies supported only the EES on epidemiology. At the low confidence level, evidence supported the 4 EESs for amputation level, leg length, posture and spinal kinematics, in view of the fact that each of these statements had some evidence not supporting the statement but ultimately more evidence (and of higher quality) currently supporting the statement. Single studies supported the remaining three EESs that addressed function, disability and osseointegrated prosthetic use or these had comparable evidence that disagreed with study findings, thereby, rendering insufficient evidence to support the respective EES.
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