Low and high blood eosinophil counts as biomarkers in hospitalized acute exacerbations of COPD
Chest May 22, 2019
MacDonald MI, et al. - Researchers assessed blood eosinophils, low and high, as predictors for beneficial response to exacerbation therapies in patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) included in derivation (n = 242) and validation (n = 99) cohort studies. They excluded patients who had oral corticosteroids prior to ED presentation. They categorized exacerbations based on blood eosinophil count: low (<50/μL), normal (50-150/μL), or high (>150/μL). Compared to eosinophil counts >150/μL, eosinophil counts <50/μL were more strongly related to infection, distinguished patients with longer median hospital stays, and were related to lower 12-month survival. In hospitalized patients with AECOPD, low and high blood eosinophil counts afford a practical clinical distinction to potentially inform management strategies.
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