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Low agreement between modified-Schwartz and CKD-EPI eGFR in young adults: A retrospective longitudinal cohort study

BMC Nephrology Aug 12, 2018

Webster-Clark M, et al. - Researchers assessed the agreement between the modified new bedside Schwartz estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) formula and the adult CKD-EPI (chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration) formula in adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) from a longitudinal cohort of AYAs undergoing healthcare transition at the STARx Program (Self-management and Transition to Adult-focused healthcare with Rx = treatment) at the University of North Carolina, in the South-Eastern USA, from 2006 to 2015. They found poor agreement between the Schwartz and CKD-EPI equations in patients before and during the transition period. They also noted that, particularly in males, CKD-EPI consistently yielded higher eGFRs.
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