Longitudinal trends in quality of life and physical function in frail older dialysis patients: A comparison of assisted peritoneal dialysis and in-center hemodialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis International Mar 17, 2019
Iyasere O, et al. - Researchers compared assisted peritoneal dialysis (aPD) to hemodialysis (HD) in terms of longitudinal changes in quality of life (QoL) in older dialysis patients. Participants were recruited from 20 renal centers in England and Northern Ireland and included 106 aPD patients, matched with 100 HD patients. Using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), SF-12 physical and mental scores, symptom score, Illness Intrusiveness Rating Scale (IIRS), Barthel's score, and the Renal Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (RTSQ), quarterly assessments were performed for 2 years. In frail older patients, the QoL outcomes of aPD were equivalent to those offered by in-center HD. For older people with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) wishing to dialyze at home, a valid alternative to HD is aPD.
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