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Longitudinal retinal changes induced by hydroxychloroquine in eyes without retinal toxicity

Ophthalmic Research Sep 18, 2020

Godinho G, Madeira C, Falcão M, et al. - Researchers conducted this longitudinal retrospective study to assess the longitudinal changes in retinal layers thickness in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and no signs of retinal toxicity. The sample consisted of patients receiving hydroxychloroquine followed in a hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity screening program of a tertiary hospital between January 2010 and April 2019. Patients who performed two OCT scans at least 1 year apart have been involved. Participants in the study were 144 patients (144 eyes). Hydroxychloroquine was found to cause progressive thinning of the inner retinal layers, particularly in the foveolar and paracentral ganglion cells areas, but no changes in the outer retina were observed.

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