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Longitudinal patterns of health-related quality of life and dialysis modality: A national cohort study

BMC Nephrology Jan 15, 2019

Eneanya ND, et al. - In a national retrospective cohort study of adult chronic dialysis patients who initiated in-center dialysis or a home modality (peritoneal or home hemodialysis) between January 2013 and June 2015, researchers studied the longitudinal patterns of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) by treatment modality. For the first 120 days of the first two years, patients remained on the same modality. They evaluated HrQoL by the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life-36 (KDQOL) survey. Similar demographic and clinical characteristics were seen in in-center (n=4,234) and home modality (n=880) patients. Lower mean KDQOL scores across several domains were seen in in-center dialysis patients vs home modality patients. HrQoL remained unchanged in patients who remained on the same modality, however, trends towards clinically meaningful changes in several aspects of HrQoL were observed in patients who switched modalities. A significant lower physical functioning over time was observed in those who switched from home to in-center modalities.

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