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Longitudinal outcomes associated with non-evidence-based implantable cardioverter-defibrillators among Medicare beneficiaries (from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry)

The American Journal of Cardiology Jul 29, 2021

Daimee UA, Aslam F, Parzynski CS, et al. - Given non-evidence-based implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) have been linked earlier with greater risk of in-hospital adverse events, researchers here compared longitudinal outcomes in patients receiving non-evidence-based vs evidence-based ICDs, up to 4.75 years post-implantation. For this Medicare-linked data from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry's ICD Registry were used. The longitudinal follow-up among patients receiving primary prevention ICD implantations between 2010 and 2013 revealed presence of an elevated risk of mortality as well as readmission in patients with non-evidence-based ICDs. In the first year post-implantation of the device, there were the highest differences in the risk of mortality and hospitalization.

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