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Longitudinal association between periodontitis and development of diabetes running title: Periodontitis and diabetes development

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Apr 25, 2018

Joshipura KJ, et al. - The tie-up between periodontitis with prediabetes/diabetes risk was evaluated by researchers by analyzing 1,206 diabetes free participants in the San Juan Overweight Adults Longitudinal Study (SOALS) and 941 with complete 3-year follow-up data. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) methods aided in examining periodontitis. Results depicted that greater mean pocket depth and mean attachment loss at baseline appeared to be related to lower risk of developing prediabetes/diabetes over the follow-up. It was also reported that an increase in periodontal attachment loss from baseline to follow-up was associated with higher prediabetes/diabetes risk and increase in pocket depth correlated with >20% fasting glucose increase. However, no link was disclosed between periodontitis and risk of prediabetes/diabetes.
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