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Long-term specialized physical therapy in cervical dystonia: Outcomes of a randomized controlled trial

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Feb 25, 2019

van den Dool J, et al. - In this single blinded randomized controlled trial, researchers assessed the effectiveness of a program of specialized physical therapy (SPT) for cervical dystonia (CD) disability compared to regular physical therapy (RPT). Study participants included 96 patients with primary CD and stable on Botulinum Toxin (BoNT) treatment for one year. After 12 months of treatment on the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating (TWSTR) disability scale, SPT showed no significant differences compared to RPT. Compared to baseline, both groups exhibited similar improvements. Higher perceived effects of patients and general perception of health were positive results in the SPT group. In the SPT group, treatment costs were lower. The SPT program appears to be the preferred program for treating CD with lower costs and similar effects.
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