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Long-term safety and efficacy of veverimer in patients with metabolic acidosis in chronic kidney disease: A multicentre, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, 40-week extension

The Lancet Jun 30, 2019

Wesson DE, et al. - Via a multicentre, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, 40-week extension of a 12-week parent study at 29 sites (hospitals and specialty clinics) in seven countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and the USA), the experts intended to demonstrate the long-term safety and efficiency of veverimer in 217 patients with metabolic acidosis in chronic kidney disease. Patients were randomized to treatment in the parent study (124 to veverimer and 93 to the placebo group). In comparison to the placebo group, an elevation in bicarbonate at week 52 and greater bicarbonate concentrations were observed with a veverimer at all time points starting at week 1. Also, veverimer resulted in better patient-reported physical functioning when compared to the placebo. Hence, betterment in metabolic acidosis along with improved subjective and objective measures of physical function by veverimer was recognized in patients with chronic kidney disease and metabolic acidosis.
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