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Long-term safety and effectiveness of adalimumab for moderate to severe psoriasis: Results from 7-year interim analysis of the ESPRIT registry

Dermatology and Therapy Aug 19, 2017

Menter A, et al. – The target of this trial was to illustrate the long–term safety, effectiveness, and patient–reported outcomes (PROs) following adalimumab therapy, over the first 7 years of the ESPRIT registry. The findings did not reveal any new safety signals, during the first 7 years of the registry. Its safety was consistent with the known safety profile of adalimumab. The number of treatment–emergent (TE) deaths was below the expected rate. During the registry’s first 7 years, maximum patients remained free of All treatment–emergent (All–TE) cardiovascular events, serious infections, and malignancy. It was noted that the effectiveness of adalimumab and improvements from baseline in PROs were maintained through 7 years of registry participation.
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