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Long-term results of peri-acetabular rotational osteotomy concomitantly with arthroscopy in adult acetabular dysplasia

Journal of Arthroplasty Jun 05, 2020

Cho YJ, Kim KI, Kwak SJ, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the cumulative 10-year outcomes of peri-acetabular rotational osteotomy (PARO) with concomitant hip arthroscopy. Researchers evaluated the status of the labrum, and debrided torn labrum through an arthroscopic procedure. Researchers completed assessments on survival from conversion to total hip arthroplasty and success in radiographic and clinical long-term results in 39 hips (36 patients). They assessed acetabular parameters (CE angle, Sharp angle, acetabular-head index, and head lateralization index), Tönnis grades on radiograph, Harris hip score, and range of motion of the hip. The Kaplan-Meier method was applied to assess survivorship analyses. For acetabular dysplasia, sufficient acetabular reorientation, such as PARO, with concomitant arthroscopic debridement exhibited successful long-term outcomes in adults.

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