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Long term results of lower limb posttraumatic acute bone defects treated with masquelet technique

Injury Mar 08, 2021

Alonso GL, Martin IA, Vega VR, et al. - This study was sought to present long-term results of lower limb posttraumatic acute bone defects treated with the Masquelet technique. Between 2015 and 2017, researchers conducted a retrospective study based on patients´ record files and images evaluating 12 patients suffering acute bone defect, treated using the Masquelet technique. They finally enrolled a total of ten patients after exclusion criteria were applied. When treating lower limb acute bone defects, Masquelet's technique achieves encouraging results. Surgeons could decrease infection incidence in open fractures with severe bone loss using this technique. As per the results, on the other hand, it is a two-stage surgery process, which makes the process longer.

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