Long-term results of combination treatment with single-dose ranibizumab plus photodynamic therapy for retinal angiomatous proliferation
Ophthalmologica May 19, 2018
Malamos P, et al. - Authors sought to assess functional and anatomic outcomes of combination therapy with ranibizumab and photodynamic therapy (PDT) in a series of retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) cases. Findings demonstrated that at the initial stages of RAP, long-term regression could be provided with single-dose modified anti-VEGF treatment in combination with PDT. A correlation of the rate of hotspot occlusion with the stage of disease was seen. In posttreatment BCVA, there was a significant improvement for all patients regardless of disease stage, which was more evident in the earlier stages. Greater improvement was seen in treatment-naive patients. Experts noted a close association of the posttreatment improvement in BCVA with hotspot occlusion.
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