Long-term results for treatment of chronic ankle instability with fibular periosteum ligamentoplasty and extensor retinaculum flap
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Apr 12, 2019
Dromzee E, et al. - Authors estimated 40 patients who underwent surgery for ankle instability to evaluate the efficiency of fibular periosteum ligamentoplasty and extensor retinaculum flap in chronic lateral instability of ankle. They reported the mean reduction in varus laxity of 11° (range 0 to 18) whereas in an anterior drawer was 1 (range –8 to 4) mm. According to the preoperative criteria of the van Dijk classification (grade 2), 7.5% of patients showed evidence of osteoarthritis at the last follow-up visit. Without narrowing of the joint space (grade 1), they observed radiologic changes in 15% of cases. They eventually implied to monitor the occurrence of osteoarthritis over the long term.
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