Long-term rates of bladder dysfunction after decompression in patients with cauda equina syndrome
The Spine Journal Jan 15, 2021
Seidel H, Bhattacharjee S, Pirkle S, et al. - A retrospective database study was performed to explore long-term rates of bladder dysfunction in cauda equina syndrome (CES) patients and to correlate those rates with non-CES patients who had undergone similar spinal decompression. The CES cohort included 2,362 patients who had undergone decompression surgery following CES diagnosis with a 5-year follow-up. Individuals were compared with 9,448 non-CES control patients who underwent spinal decompression without a diagnosis of CES. The results showed that in CES patients, understanding the long-term risk for bladder dysfunction is important for the future care and counseling of patients. The data demonstrated that CES patients were observed to have a significantly higher long-term likelihood for both bladder dysfunction diagnosis and urologic surgical procedure in comparison wiyh non-CES patients who had undergone similar spinal decompression.
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