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Long term performance of an uncemented, proximally hydroxyapatite coated, double tapered, titanium-alloy femoral stem: Results from 1465 hips at 10 years minimum follow-up

Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 10, 2020

Griffiths JT, Roumeliotis L, Elson DW, et al. - This study was intended to evaluate the survivorship of a proximally hydroxyapatite-coated, double tapered, titanium-alloy femoral stem in a single-center, at an average follow up of 12.5 years (10.1-15.8). Researchers obtained data prospectively in a local database. Between 2003 and 2010, they conducted a retrospective review of all patients undergoing a primary THR with the prosthesis. This analysis included 1,465 stems (1310 patients, 155 bilateral). Thee data indicate excellent long-term survivorship even in the presence of a challenging MoM environment.

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