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Long-term outcomes of dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease and new-onset atrial fibrillation: A population-based cohort study

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Sep 26, 2019

Hung TW, et al. - Performing a nested case-control study based on the National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan, researchers examined long-term consequences of the correlation between advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and new-onset atrial fibrillation (NAF) in 3,673 dialysis cases and 7,346 non-dialysis matched controls. Observations revealed the crude mortality rates of 3.3, 10.98, 9.2, and 18.0 in the [Non-dialysis, non-NAF], [Non-dialysis, NAF], [Dialysis, non-NAF], and [Dialysis, NAF] groups, respectively. This suggests a significantly increased risk of mortality among patients with advanced CKD and NAF. For patients with concurrent CKD and NAF, dialysis is not identified as risky. Given that patients on dialysis displayed superior physical status, dialysis seemed to offer a survival benefit sufficient enough to support its consideration as a standard treatment.
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