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Long-term outcomes of arteriovenous fistulas with unassisted vs assisted maturation: A retrospective national hemodialysis cohort study

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Oct 22, 2019

Lee T, et al. - Researchers retrospectively compared patients with assisted vs unassisted arteriovenous fistula (AVF) maturation, focusing on postmaturation AVF results, including functional primary patency loss (needing intervention following achieving AVF maturation), AVF abandonment, and frequency of interventions. For this inquiry, the US Renal Data System was used. Participants were 7,301 patients ≥ 67 years who started hemodialysis from July 2010 to June 2012 with a catheter and no previous AVF. The maturation of AVFs without previous intervention was reported for 56% of the patients. The occurrence of assisted AVF maturation with one, two, three, or four or more prematuration interventions was reported in 23%, 12%, 5%, and 4% of patients, respectively. Findings revealed a positive link between the number of prematuration AVF interventions and the probability of functional primary patency loss and frequency of postmaturation interventions among patients undergoing assisted AVF maturation.
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