Long-term outcomes of anti-incontinence surgery and subsequent transvaginal sling incision for urethral obstruction
International Urogynecology Journal Aug 12, 2018
Wu SY, et al. - Long-term outcomes of women who underwent the pubovaginal sling (PVS) procedure and subsequent transvaginal sling incision for urethral obstruction were investigated. Before and after each operation, researchers performed urodynamic study. Outcome evaluation was done via the patients’ Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I) and quality of life index (QoL-I) due to urinary symptoms. Outcomes support the efficacy of transvaginal sling incision for urethral obstruction after PVS procedure. Sling incision could resolve voiding dysfunction after PVS. Urinary continence could be maintained and good satisfaction was achieved in most patients.
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