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Long-term outcomes for 2-stage urethroplasty: An analysis of risk factors for urethral stricture recurrence

World Journal of Urology Apr 09, 2021

Furr JR, et al. - This study was intended to describe long-term results and patient-reported outcomes of staged anterior urethroplasties, and isolate risk factors for recurrence. Between 2000 and 2017, researchers examined the urethroplasty database for all patients who underwent staged urethroplasty. They examined stricture characteristics, etiology, and graft type with regards to success. They included 49 patients for inclusion. The results exhibited that staged repairs that are amenable to BMG-only repairs have high long-term success rates. The evidence suggested that elevating stricture length and the addition of split-thickness skin graft were correlated with a lower success rate in staged urethral reconstruction. Individuals needing staged repairs often experience a recurrence in a very delayed fashion reinforcing the need for close, long-term follow-up.

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