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Long-term metabolic syndrome is associated with periodontal pockets and alveolar bone loss

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Jun 29, 2019

Tegelberg P, et al. - In this investigation, researchers explored the association of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with deepened periodontal pockets and alveolar bone loss. This research was created from a subpopulation of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 survey (n=1,964). To determine MetS, the criteria of the AHA/NHLBI were used. Using Poisson regression models, relative risks were estimated. Compared to people whose exposure was <15 years, relative risks for PD ≥ 4 mm and BL ≥ 5 mm were greater in those with exposure to MetS ≥ 15 years. In never smokers, consistently stronger associations were seen. Women exhibited stronger connections of MetS with PD ≥ 4 mm vs men. The relationship with BL ≥ 5 mm was noted only in men. Overall, the authors concluded that MetS long-term exposure was independently linked periodontal pockets and alveolar bone level in an exposure-dependent manner.

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