Long-term follow-up of single crowns supported by short, moderately rough implants: A prospective 10-year cohort study
Clinical Oral Implants Research Nov 21, 2018
Rossi F, et al. - Experts prospectively evaluated the clinical and radiographic outcomes after ten years of short (6 mm) implants with a moderately rough surface supporting single crowns in the posterior region. Full function for at least 10 years with low marginal bone resorption was maintained by the short (6 mm) implants with a moderately rough surface supporting single crowns in the posterior region and loaded after 6-7 weeks. After 10 years of function, a mean marginal bone loss was 0.8±0.7mm. The loss was 0.2±0.4 mm between 5 and 10 years. With time, an increase in the clinical crown/implant ratio was noted from 1.6 at the delivery of the prosthesis to 2.0 after 10 years of loading with no increase between 5 and 10 years.
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