Long-term evaluation of specular microscopic changes following Nd: YAG iridotomy in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma eyes
Journal of Glaucoma Sep 07, 2017
Sihota R, et al. – The specular microscopy of chronic primary angle–closure glaucoma (CPACG) eyes at least 1 year after Nd:YAG iridotomy, and compare them with CPACG eyes without an iridotomy and age–matched, normal eyes were assessed in this study. An Nd:YAG iridotomy in CPACG eyes did not lead to any important changes in central corneal specular microscopy in the long term as compared with patients who did not undergo iridotomy. Eyes with CPACG, without and after an iridotomy, had a lower specular count compared with age–matched controls.
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