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Long-term efficacy and safety of once-monthly pasireotide in Cushing disease: A Phase III extension study

Clinical Endocrinology Oct 09, 2019

Fleseriu M, Petersenn S, Biller BMK, et al. - In patients with Cushing disease (CD), researchers tested the safety and effectiveness of long-acting pasireotide during a long-term extension study. Eighty-one of 150 individuals who were registered in the core study entered the extension. During the extension, mean fasting glucose and glycated haemoglobin were stable, with some patients initiating/escalating antidiabetic medication. According to this open-label extension to a 12-month Phase III study, long-acting pasireotide provided sustained biochemical and clinical improvements, without the emergence of new safety signals, promoting its use as an effective long-term therapy for CD.
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