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Long-term effects of citric acid-based bicarbonate haemodialysis on patient outcomes: A survival propensity score–matched study in western France

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jan 25, 2020

Potier J, Dolley-Hitze T, Hamel D, et al. - As more clinical acceptance has been gained by citric acid–based bicarbonate haemodialysis (CIT-HD) over the last few years in France, and it represents a proxy for other acidifiers [eg, acetic acid (CH3COOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl)], researchers evaluated the long-term influences of CIT-HD exposure on patient results in western France in this population-based retrospective multicentre observational analysis. Participants were incident end-stage kidney disease patients (n = 1,132) who commenced their renal replacement therapy after 1 January 2008 and were observed through 15 October 2018. Findings revealed that all-cause mortality in HD patients was not significantly influenced by CIT-HD exposure ≤ 6 years. This observation continues to be valid for patients receiving high-volume online haemodiafiltration, a modality most often prescribed in this cohort.
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