Long-term cryostorage of semen in a human sperm bank does not affect clinical outcomes
Fertility and Sterility Aug 03, 2019
Huang C, Lei L, Wu HL, et al. - Researchers examined how the duration of donor sperm storage affects pregnancy success among women undergoing assisted reproduction. They conducted this retrospective cross-sectional study of 119,558 specimens retrieved using a clinical information database of young adult men who were qualified sperm donors at the Hunan Province Human Sperm Bank of China from 2001 to 2016. Following 15 years of cryopreservation, the sperm's frozen-thaw survival rate decreased from 85.72% to 73.98%. The analysis revealed no effect of long-term cryostorage of semen in a human sperm bank on clinical outcomes. However, the quality of frozen-thawed donor sperm samples deteriorates with cryopreservation for longer than 5 years.
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