Long-term clinical outcomes of lupus nephritis patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis: A matched, case-control study
Peritoneal Dialysis International Nov 28, 2019
Ye H, Cao P, Lin J, et al. - Given a lack of proper research on the long-term clinical consequences of peritoneal dialysis (PD) for patients with lupus nephritis (LN), researchers performed this retrospective case-control study to determine the long-term prognosis of a Chinese PD cohort. In this study, they examined LN patients undergoing PD treatment for more than 90 days from January 2006 to December 2012. They chose non-diabetic control patients using a ratio of 1:2 for age- and gender-matching. Evaluation of all-cause mortality (primary outcome) as well as technique failure and hospitalization rate (secondary outcomes) was done. In LN patients and in the control group, the cumulative 1-, 3-, and 5-year patient survival rates were estimated to be 92.4%, 84.7%, 67.6% and 100%, 93.5%, and 82.9%, respectively. No significant link of LN with mortality was identified after adjusting for confounders, however, LN still conferred an independent risk for technique failure. In this study, poor patient survival and technique survival, as well as higher hospitalization and infection rates, were observed in LN patients receiving PD.
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