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Long-term clinical and radiographic results of an ultra-short metaphyseal- fitting non-anatomic cementless stem in patients with femoral neck fracture

Journal of Arthroplasty Jan 23, 2021

Kim YH, et al. - This study was sought to ascertain the clinical and radiographic outcomes, mortality rate, complication rate, and revision rate of this ultra-short non-anatomic cementless femoral stem in elderly patients with a femoral neck fracture. Researchers examined the outcomes of 284 total hip arthroplasties (THAs) conducted with an ultra-short non-anatomic cementless stem in 280 previously active patients with a mean age of 72.8±13 years (range, 49 to 83 years). In the analysis, 9.3 years (range, 7 to 13 years) was the mean follow-up. For femoral neck fracture, an ultra-short non-anatomic cementless femoral stem in patients with good bone quality (Dorr A and some Dorr type B bone) was found to be a safe treatment. The results were very poor, and use of this stem should be avoided iIn patients with poor bone quality (Dorr C type).

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