Long-term all-cause mortality and cardiovascular outcomes in Scottish children after initiation of renal replacement therapy: A national cohort study
Pediatric Nephrology Mar 10, 2020
Galiyeva DB, Jackson CA, Wild SH, et al. - Researchers utilized data from the Scottish Renal Registry for children who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) between 1961 and 2013, to assess long-term survival as well as the incidence of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and determinants of these consequences in this pediatric patient population. The analysis involved 477 children; 55% were boys; congenital urinary tract disease (CAKUT) was present in almost 50%; a transplant as the first mode of RRT was received by 10%. An incident of CVD event was reported in 20.9% of the 381 patients with morbidity data available, during a median observation period of 14.96 years. Factors related to a higher risk of all-cause mortality included age < 2 years at the initiation of RRT, receiving dialysis rather than a kidney transplant and primary renal disease (PRD) other than CAKUT or glomerulonephritis (GN). A higher risk of CVD incidence was noted in relation to factors such as male gender, receiving dialysis rather than a kidney transplant and PRD other than CAKUT or GN. Findings revealed high mortality as well as CVD incidence in children receiving RRT. Increased risk of both all-cause mortality and CVD incidence was observed in correlation with PRD and RRT modality.
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