Long sleep duration, insomnia, and insomnia with short objective sleep duration are independently associated with short telomere length
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Dec 20, 2018
Tempaku P, et al. - Authors studied 925 subjects who answered questionnaires, underwent a full-night polysomnography and clinical assessment, and had peripheral blood collected for DNA extraction to evaluate the relationship between short telomere length, sleep parameters, and sleep disorders in an adult. They used self-reported sleep duration to classify the cases as short (< 6 hours), average (6 to 8 hours) and long (> 8 hours) sleepers and measured he leukocyte telomere length by using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and observed a correlation between insomnia disorder, insomnia disorder total sleep time < 360 minutes and long sleepers, and short telomere.
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