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Long QT and death in hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not related to electrolyte disorders

International Journal of COPD May 31, 2019

Zilberman-Itskovich S, et al. - Researchers performed this prospective cohort study of COPD patients to assess the extent of prolonged-QTc syndrome in these subjects upon admission to an internal medicine department, as well as to evaluate its link with hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hypocalcemia. They also determined how mortality during hospital stay was influenced by COPD treatment. They found that QTc prolongation in hospitalized COPD patients showed no correlation with electrolyte levels, comorbidities, or relevant medications. Patients with prolonged QTc vs normal QTc had a higher rate of mortality. Prolonged QTc was suggested to be a negative prognostic factor for death during the hospital stay in COPD patients.
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