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Long-lasting chronic high load carriage of Epstein-Barr virus is more common in young pediatric renal transplant recipients

Pediatric Nephrology Dec 11, 2019

Ladfors SW, Lindahl JK, Hansson S, et al. - In this retrospective analysis, researchers focused on the incidence, time of occurrence, risk factors, as well as consequence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) chronic high load (CHL) carrier state following pediatric renal transplantation. The participants were recruited from a single medical center and included 58 children aged 1–17 years (median 10), who had renal transplantation between January 2004 and June 2017. The absence of EBV IgG was noted in 31 (53%) patients, at transplantation, and the development of primary EBV infection posttransplant was reported in 25 (81%) of them. Findings revealed a frequent incidence of CHL. CHL ran a long-lasting course and developed primarily in young transplant recipients. The results showed a lack of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, indicating the efficacy of monitoring of EBV DNA to guide immunosuppression.
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