Location of glomerular immune deposits, not codeposition of immunoglobulin G, influences definitive renal outcomes in immunoglobulin A nephropathy
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jul 05, 2018
Alvarado AS, et al. - Researchers investigated how codeposition of IgG in the glomeruli or the presence of immune deposits in the glomerular capillary walls influence clinical outcome in immunoglobulin (IgA) nephropathy (IgAN). They examined a multicenter IgAN cohort, with 80 IgAN biopsies. These biopsies were retrospectively divided into groups, the association of which with the composite primary outcome of renal replacement therapy, renal transplant, death or doubling of serum creatinine (SCr) concentration was assessed. Findings revealed the association of both IgG co-deposition and the location of glomerular immune deposits in the peripheral capillary walls with greater histologic activity on renal biopsy. A significantly increased risk for end-stage renal disease, transplant, death and/or doubling of SCr was reported in relation to only the location of glomerular immune deposits in the peripheral capillary walls.
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