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Location of femoral vessels around the acetabulum in crowe type 4 dysplastic hips

Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 22, 2020

Dırvar F, Ezici A, Ozcafer R, et al. - This study was intended to assess the correlation between the femoral artery and vein with acetabulum in CT assessment of Crowe type 4 hips and to compare with normal hip femoral vein and artery anatomic position. Researchers enrolled a total of 40 patients with one side hip Crowe type 4 deformity and opposite side normal hip for the study. They applied pelvis CT was to all patients for the planning of total hip arthroplasty surgery. They assessed shortest distance from the femoral vessels to the pelvis at these 4 axial slices at the dysplastic side and compared them with the healthy side. In cases of Crowe type 4 hip, the analysis of preoperative images reveals that the femoral vessels are closer to the anterior wall of the dysplastic true acetabulum at the level of the center of the hip (vein, mean: 2.7 mm closer) and below the center of the hip (vein, mean: 3 mm; and artery, mean: 3.3 mm closer) when compared with the normal acetabulum. During Crowe type 4 dysplastic hip arthroplasty surgery, anatomic relationship knowledge can be used intraoperatively to avoid iatrogenic vascular injury.

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