Living-donor transplantation leads to a major improvement in physical functioning: An observational study on the impact on potential donors and their recipients
BMC Nephrology Apr 04, 2019
Broers NJH, et al. - In this prospective longitudinal study with 12 months of follow-up, researchers analyzed disparities in physical functioning (PF), physical activity (PA), and body composition (BC) between 22 kidney transplant recipients and their living donors (n=22). They evaluated PF by handgrip strength (HGS), and by the physical domains of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) using the Short Form-36 questionnaire [PF (SF-36 PF) and physical component summary (PCS) score]. In the first year post-transplantation, impressive improvements were observed in PF and the physical domains of HRQOL among recipients, reaching levels of healthy kidney donors already three to six months after transplantation. No deterioration of the investigated parameters was seen in relation to living kidney donation, this supports little influence for well-screened donors, while high benefit for transplant recipients was evident.
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