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Live birth rates in the first complete IVF cycle among 20 687 women using a freeze-all strategy

Human Reproduction May 03, 2018

Zhu Q, et al. - Researchers sought to ascertain the chance of having a child following one complete IVF cycle for patients using a freeze-all strategy. After the first complete IVF cycle, the chance of having a child was 50.74% with the freeze-all strategy.


  • Researchers performed a retrospective cohort study included 20,687 women who started their first IVF cycles using a freeze-all strategy during the period from 1 January 2007, through 31 March 2016, in China.
  • They estimate live birth rates (LBRs) analysing data on 20,687 women undergoing their first complete cycles using a freeze-all strategy from 2007 to 2016.
  • For this study, they defined LBR in a complete cycle as the chance of a live birth from an ovarian stimulation cycle including all subsequent frozen embryo transfers from this stimulation.
  • Exploration of the relationship between LBR and number of oocyte was performed.


  • For the first complete cycle, the LBR was 50.74% for patients using a freeze-all strategy.
  • Researchers noted a decline in LBR from 63.81% for women under 31 years old to 4.71% for women over 40 years old after the first complete cycle.
  • Improvement in the LBRs was noted as the number of oocytes retrieved increased up to 25 in the freeze-all strategy.

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