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Live birth rate and obstetric complications following the hysteroscopic management of intrauterine adhesions including Asherman syndrome

Human Reproduction Sep 22, 2018

Deans R, et al. - Investigators determined the live birth rate and risks of obstetric complications following the surgical management of intrauterine adhesions (IUA), such as Asherman syndrome, by conducting a retrospective study including all women treated for IUA by hysteroscopic synechiolysis under fluoroscopic guidance in two tertiary university-affiliated hospitals. They performed survival curve analysis for time to pregnancy, and collated obstetric data from a National Obstetric Database for delivery and neonatal outcomes. The investigators calculated the live birth rate to be 63.7%, and suggested that women with IUA should be considered as moderate- to high-risk obstetric patients in subsequent pregnancy and counselled as appropriate.

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