Liraglutide increases IVF pregnancy rates in obese PCOS women with poor response to first-line reproductive treatments: A pilot randomized study
European Journal of Endocrinology May 06, 2018
Salamun V, et al. - Researchers explored the potential impact of short-term preconception intervention with liraglutide on fertility potential in infertile obese PCOS patients (aged 31.07±4.75 years, BMI 36.7±3.5 kg/m2). Enrollees were assigned to metformin (MET) 1000 mg BID or to MET 1000 mg BID combined with low-dose liraglutide 1.2 mg QD s.c. (COMBI) for 12 weeks. Data displayed the superiority of preconception intervention with low-dose liraglutide added to metformin compared to metformin alone in increasing pregnancy rate (PR) per embryo transfers (ET) and cumulative PRs in infertile obese women with PCOS, regardless of comparable weight reduction in both groups.
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