Limited joint mobility of the hand correlates incident hospitalisation with infection in patients with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Feb 06, 2020
Mineoka Y, Ishii M, Hashimoto Y, et al. - Using Cox regression analysis, researchers intended to determine if there is an association between limited joint mobility (LJM) of the hand [defined as the ‘prayer sign’ or ‘table test’] and the incidence of hospitalization with infection in type 2 diabetic patients. The sample consisted of 502 individuals with T2D, 102 patients had LJM of the hand. Data reported that 11.2% of patients were hospitalized with infection during 3.3 years follow-up. The results obtained from this retrospective cohort study indicate that LJM of the hand was linked to an incident of hospitalization with infection. Therefore, a diagnosis of LJM of the hand could be a useful indicator for evaluating the risk of hospitalization with infection in type 2 diabetic individuals.
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