Lifetime cost-effectiveness analysis of first-line dialysis modalities for patients with end-stage renal disease under Peritoneal Dialysis First policy
BMC Nephrology Feb 10, 2020
Wong CKH, Chen J, Fung SKS, et al. - Researchers focused on the lifetime cost-effectiveness of first-line dialysis modalities for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients under the “Peritoneal Dialysis First” policy. From both healthcare provider and societal perspectives, they conducted lifetime cost-effectiveness analyses using Markov modelling by simulating at age 60. They noted that the peritoneal dialysis (PD) group [USD$76,915; 7.13 quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)] dominated hospital-based haemodialysis (HD) group (lifetime cost USD$142,389; 6.58 QALYs), for lifetime cost-effectiveness analysis from the perspective of healthcare provider. Findings revealed PD as a cost-saving first-line dialysis modality, compared with hospital-based HD, from both healthcare provider and societal perspectives, and thus, the existing PD First or favoured policy was supported in this study. As first-line dialysis modality for ESRD patients, Nocturnal home Home-based HD vs PD was considered cost-effective.
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