Lifestyle intervention in Danish obese pregnant women with early gestational diabetes mellitus according to WHO 2013 criteria does not change pregnancy outcomes: Results from the LiP (Lifestyle in Pregnancy) Study
Diabetes Care Aug 05, 2018
Vinter CA, et al. - In obese women fulfilling the World Health Organization (WHO) 2013 diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in early gestation, researchers examined the impacts of lifestyle intervention on metabolic and clinical outcomes. For this investigation, they evaluated secondary analysis of data from the Lifestyle-in-Pregnancy (LiP) study, a lifestyle randomized controlled trial in 304 pregnant women with BMI ≥30 kg/m2. In improving obstetric or metabolic outcomes, lifestyle intervention in obese women fulfilling WHO 2013 GDM criteria in early pregnancy was not effective.
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